The controllers are lightweight and I love how close you can get to the floor with them. With the S tracking I can add space in the living room to my setup even though it's through the arch. With the CV1 there was no way for the tracking to reach through into my living room so my play space was crazy limited. My place space is in our living room which is a through room - lounge and dining room separated by an archway. I also had another unexpected benefit from the inside-out tracking. DCS and Elite:Dangerous in particular hugely benefit from the increased readibility of text and instruments. Really importantly though, the improvements in god-rays and screendoor aren't just hype. Significantly more comfortable and easy to adjust, much less to see through the nose gap. No low effort memes, gifs, image macros, etc.Read the FAQ before posting a question.This is a place for friendly VR discussion, don’t start drama, attack, or bait other redditors.Welcome to /r/Oculus, a place for Oculus fans to discuss VR.